#dnug45 im darmstadtium
Was für eine Konferenz! Zwei intensive Tage voller Collaboration and Cognitive Solutions Highlights. Vielen Dank an alle Teilnehmer, Sprecher und Sponsoren - ihr habt die #dnug45 zu einem erkenntnis- und begegnungsreichen Erlebnis werden lassen.

Die Präsentationen der Konferenzvorträge werden auf sessions.dnug.de veröffentlicht.

#dnug46 vom 4. bis 6. Juni 2019!

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Luis Guirigay

Luis Guirigay is a WW Executive IT Specialist at IBM and published author for multiple books and articles covering IBM technologies. He focuses on Cloud and Collaboration and he is often involved in complex technical situations or IT and Business strategy discussions. He is a regular speaker at events all over the world and is always willing to share his knowledge and passion for collaborative technologies. Luis is also a Certified Distinguished IT Specialist and a member of the IBM Academy of Technology. You can connect with him via @lguiriga or lguiriga@us.ibm.com.